Donor: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)

Implemented by: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Project implementing partners: Vietnam Cleaner Production Centre Co., Ltd. (VNCPC); Policy expert group, and International Support Group (ISG) under International Cooperation Department (ICD) – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Project period: 19/10/2023 – 30/4/2024

Project overview: The project aims to disseminate and promote the achievements and results of the UNIDO pyrolysis projects in Vietnam in recent years (2016 – 2023) and contribute to launching the Inter-ministerial Biochar Working Group (BWG), especially in the agricultural sector. Thereby sharing information and coordinating all ongoing initiatives and projects related to biochar, to raise awareness, explore and create connections towards developing the biochar market in Vietnam.
The project includes 3 main components, which are: (i) Developing a policy review and recommendation report on biochar in Vietnam; (ii) Establish and regularly update an online information repository (website) on biochar, and; (iii) Organize a specialized consultation workshop.

Main project activities: 

    • A policy review and recommendation report on biochar in Vietnam is implemented through the following activities: Review and evaluate national policies and programs related to production and usage of biochar; The proposal recommends promoting biochar production and use, and; Create a list of stakeholder networks, focusing on policy makers;
    • Information on biochar is included in the online repository (website) which will consist communication materials on biochar in English and Vietnamese developed by UNIDO and partners over the past few years as well as other projects and initiatives are being implemented in Vietnam. This online platform will provide basic knowledge and practical experience on biochar in Vietnam and abroad, and will thus facilitate awareness raising and networking of relevant stakeholders in this field;
    • Consultation activities aim to collect feedback and suggestions to complete the policy review and recommendation report on biochar. This is also an opportunity to introduce to stakeholders the online information repository on biochar built by UNIDO, VNCPC and partners.