Puro Standard for Biochar Methodology

Puro.earth is a global platform designed to certify and trade carbon credits for greenhouse gas emission reduction projects. The Puro Standard for Biochar Carbon Credits focuses on ensuring that projects that produce and use biochar have a positive impact on reducing greenhouse gas (CO2) levels in the atmosphere.

In May 2019, Puro.earth developed the first carbon removal crediting methodology for biochar to the market. Under the Puro Standard, CO₂ Removal Certificates (CORCs) are issued to CO₂ removal providers or biochar projects through the Puro Registry. Environmentally and climate-conscious businesses can purchase CORCs to neutralize their emissions and support their claims and commitments toward sustainable development. Key Components of the Standard:

    1. Carbon Quantification: The standard’s core involves accurately quantifying the amount of carbon sequestered in biochar. This includes evaluating how effectively the biochar retains carbon over time and its impact on reducing atmospheric CO2.
    2. Biochar Production: The standard outlines rigorous requirements for the biochar production process. This includes using sustainable feedstocks, optimizing production methods to maximize carbon stability, and ensuring that the production process does not result in significant greenhouse gas emissions.
    3. Validation and Verification: Biochar projects must undergo independent validation and verification processes. This ensures that claims about carbon sequestration are accurate and that the project complies with all aspects of the standard.
    4. Monitoring and Reporting: Projects must adhere to strict monitoring and reporting protocols. This involves regular assessments and documentation of the biochar’s carbon content, its application, and its impact on soil and the environment. Independent verification of these reports is required to maintain transparency and accuracy.
    5. Sustainability and Environmental Impact: The standard emphasizes that biochar projects should contribute positively to the environment. This includes assessing the sustainability of feedstock sources, avoiding negative impacts on ecosystems, and considering social implications.

During 2.5 years of implementation and collecting feedback, learning from global biochar producers, scientific experts, pioneering CORC buyers, as well as auditors in Europe, Australia and the Americas, Puro.earth has integrated and upgraded the Methodology in the 2022 edition. Compared to the previous one, the 2022 edition allows more biomass sources and different types of biochar production technologies to be certified. Therefore, expanding the scope and opportunities for carbon credit-oriented biochar projects can join the Puro.earth marketplace and more carbon can be removed from the atmosphere globally.

The content of the Biochar Methodology (the 2022 edition) has been translated into Vietnamese by Biochar Vietnam to share with the community of stakeholders in the biochar sector in Vietnam. Hopefully, this document will provide useful information to interested readers.

Document download link: in English and Vietnamese.

Biochar Vietnam